Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fresh-Dug Potatoes from Bruce's Roof--Cranberry Red

My my my. I cannot begin to describe how creamy these gems are, fresh from the steamer (nestled in with some inferior farmer market potatoes).

But let's back up a sec. Occasional GRG blogger Brad shared some cranberry red seed potatoes with us in April. Bruce chitted them before planting.

Last day of July, my tobacca-harvesting pal Marc and I went over to cut down the plants Bruce had grown for the project.

And Bruce wondered aloud if the 'taters were ready, so we checked one of SIP bins.

As he dug around, he found a beauty.
 But there were more to come...

A gorgeous bunch of cranberry red, gifted to me.

(Meanwhile, Carl monitors activity on the street from his post near the potato SIPs.)

So how did we enjoy the gumball-sized 'taters included in our bunch? With this bad pic, you'll see: after light steaming, we ate them lollipop style, rolled in French butter and kosher salt.

Life does not get better than that.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Cranberry potatoes are the best. Cranberry potatoes on a stick--truly inspired!